Services and regular events
Morning service, Sun 10.15am, weekly (Communion fortnightly): in church and on Zoom. With Kidschurch. Please contact us for the Zoom code. The sermon/talk will be on our YouTube channel later. Midweek Reflection service, Wed 10am, weekly: short reflection and prayers Our Place, Mon 9.30am, weekly in term-time: group for babies and toddlers with additional needs. Spaces limited Knit and Natter, Mon 10-12noon, monthly (usually 2nd Mon of month) in church coffee room Little Lambs Toddler Group, Tue 10am, weekly in term-time, for 0-5 year-olds. Spaces limited – please book in advance Community garden open: Tues, 10am-1pm at 11 Park Road in New Barnet. Come along to take part in the gardening or just to enjoy the garden Jim’s Café community advice centre, Wed 10am-12noon, weekly, incl Citizens’ Advice Barnet and Conversational English Classes Zone, group for school years 2-6, Wed 5.30-7pm, weekly in term-time Community music group, 3rd Sat of month, 10.30am-12.30pm Services and regular events at our sister church, Holy Trinity in Lyonsdown Road Reflective service, Sundays, 4pm. With tea and coffee from 3.15pm. The service has a different emphasis each Sunday of the month: Communion, 1st Sunday Healing service, 2nd Sunday Celtic-style service, 3rd Sunday Evening prayer, 4th Sunday Prayers at the Cross, Wednesdays weekly, 7-7.30am, half hour of prayer and contemplation in the garden at Holy Trinity. Held in the the church on winter mornings when it's dark outside. (Not taking place Wed 24 Jan.) ‘Who let the Dads out’ Dad’s and kids social time: outdoor space and indoor activities, with bacon butty. Free event. First Saturday of the month, 10-11.30am. In Holy Trinity garden and church Free community art and craft group for adults, second Saturday of the month, 10.30am-12.30pm. Some art supplies provided or bring your own. All abilities welcome. Refreshments available |