Giving to the work of St James's, New Barnet
Please do consider including Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer (full details below).
Bank transfer: for one-off payments or a regular standing order (Account no: 00027936; Sort code: 20-95-61) [If you would like Gift Aid on a bank transfer, please include your name, otherwise we can't claim Gift Aid.]
Online: we have an online giving page
Contactless card payment device is available in the church lobby for donations, payments for activities, etc.
Cheques payable to St James’s Church
Cash collection basket during service
Thank you very much. We are grateful for all donations towards the work of St James's, New Barnet.
If you have any questions about giving, you can speak in confidence with our Giving Secretary Chris Jones. Contact the church office and they can put you in touch.
Gift Aid
If you give regularly to St James’s (or would like to start giving regularly) and are a UK tax payer, we would encourage you to sign a Gift Aid declaration for us. This allows us to claim an extra 25% from the government on your gift, thereby significantly increasing its value. (For example, a gift of £20 would increase to £25.) Gift Aid declarations are quick and easy to fill in – basically just your name and address. Forms are available here (Gift Aid Declaration form) or from our Gift Aid Officer Chris Jones. You only need to fill out a form once and we can then claim Gift Aid on any future donations.
What can the church claim gift aid on? We can claim Gift Aid on any giving where we know who has made the donation – ie where we can link the donation to a Gift Aid form. If you would like to Gift Aid cash donations, please put the money in an envelope with your name on.
What can’t the church claim gift aid on? We can’t claim Gift Aid on unnamed donations in the collection baskets, non-monetary gifts, unclaimed expenses, payments (such as the shop), or gifts from non-taxed income.
Please do consider including Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer (full details below).
Bank transfer: for one-off payments or a regular standing order (Account no: 00027936; Sort code: 20-95-61) [If you would like Gift Aid on a bank transfer, please include your name, otherwise we can't claim Gift Aid.]
Online: we have an online giving page
Contactless card payment device is available in the church lobby for donations, payments for activities, etc.
Cheques payable to St James’s Church
Cash collection basket during service
Thank you very much. We are grateful for all donations towards the work of St James's, New Barnet.
If you have any questions about giving, you can speak in confidence with our Giving Secretary Chris Jones. Contact the church office and they can put you in touch.
Gift Aid
If you give regularly to St James’s (or would like to start giving regularly) and are a UK tax payer, we would encourage you to sign a Gift Aid declaration for us. This allows us to claim an extra 25% from the government on your gift, thereby significantly increasing its value. (For example, a gift of £20 would increase to £25.) Gift Aid declarations are quick and easy to fill in – basically just your name and address. Forms are available here (Gift Aid Declaration form) or from our Gift Aid Officer Chris Jones. You only need to fill out a form once and we can then claim Gift Aid on any future donations.
What can the church claim gift aid on? We can claim Gift Aid on any giving where we know who has made the donation – ie where we can link the donation to a Gift Aid form. If you would like to Gift Aid cash donations, please put the money in an envelope with your name on.
What can’t the church claim gift aid on? We can’t claim Gift Aid on unnamed donations in the collection baskets, non-monetary gifts, unclaimed expenses, payments (such as the shop), or gifts from non-taxed income.